Thursday, April 26, 2012

Game of Thrones Nails

I'm a pretty big nerd. So naturally, I love Game of Thrones (books AND delightfully sexy-violent HBO programs). Recently, I went to a Season 1 marathon and OF COURSE I had to do themed nails! I also might have purchased a GoT ceramic drinking stein labeled with House Targaryen on it. It was awesome.

I am totally Team Daenarys, folks. She has dragons. DRAG-ONS. She wins all. Thus I attempted to put House Targaryen on my nails. For reference, this is their sigil  ('Sigil' is fancy for 'logo'):

(Thanks, HBO)
RIGHT??? How in the name of the Seven do I accomplish that??? It's a circle of dragons! DRAGONS.
Did I mention I am amazed by dragons?

Anyhoodle, this is what happened:

Three dragon heads! My pinky has an H and my thumb has a T. I used OPI Glitzerland for the gold base, OPI Kenne-bunk Port for the red, OPI Alpine Snow for white and OPI Black Onyx for black. Again, I keep trying to draw things when I really shouldn't. This time I blame it on bad brushes.

BUT WAIT. You can't have a sigil without the words! It'd be like having a logo without a motto! Marketing executives everywhere are cringing!

Don't worry, I didn't forget. I present: "Fire and Blood"

The fire is: OPI Need Sunglasses? for yellow, Essie Orange It's Obvious! for orange and Kennebunk Port again for the red (and for the blood drops).

Dragons? "Fire and Blood"? This house just screams "BAMFs". Except for Viserys. He was useless.

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